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- Radford, L. (2024). Ecuaciones en educación primaria: No todo es simbolismo alfanumérico. Uno. Revista de Didáctica de las Matemáticas, 106, 8–14. https://www.grao.com/revistas/diseno-de-tareas-que-promueven-el-pensamiento-algebraico-78054?contenido=494415 [PDF]
- Noronha, C., Gobara, S., & Radford, L. (Eds.) (2024). Teoria da Objetivação. Pesquisas em educação matemática e em educação em ciências. Livraria da Física. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2024). Sensed objects, sensing subjects: Embodiment from a dialectical materialist perspective. In L. Edwards & C. Krause (Eds.), The Body in Mathematics (pp. 75-104). Sense/Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004717701_004 [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2024). Paulo Freire y la teoría de la objetivación: relaciones e implicaciones. REMATEC, 50, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.37084/REMATEC.1980-3141.2024.n50.e2024001.id688 [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2024). The dialectic between knowledge, knowing, and concept in the theory of objectification. Éducation & Didactique, 18(2), 147–159. [PDF]
- Radford, L., Quiroz, A., & Silva, M. (2024). ¿Qué podemos aprender de la enseñanza magistral? Una contribución a la investigación de la actividad matemática escolar. Paradigma, 45, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.37618/PARADIGMA.1011-2251.2024.e2024001.id1573. [PDF]
- Lopes do Nascimento, V., Morey, B., & Radford, L. (2024). O papel da Teoria da Objetivação na estruturação de uma investigação histórica em torno da obra Ex Ludis Rerum Mathematicarum. Paradigma, 45, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.37618/PARADIGMA.1011-2251.2024.e2024009.id1582 [PDF]
- de Oliveira Romeiro, I., Moretti, V., & Radford, L. (2024). Da formação à pesquisa sobre professores que ensinam Matemática: contribuições da Teoria da Objetivação para a compreensão do desenvolvimento do pensamento algébrico. Paradigma, 45, 1–23. https://doi.org/10.37618/PARADIGMA.1011-2251.2024.e2024002.id1574 [PDF]
- Anwandter Cuellar, N., Polotskaia, E., Robert, V., Boily, M., & Radford, L. (2024). Comprendre l’émergence de la pensée relationnelle chez les enfants du préscolaire grâce à l’analyse des gestes, discours et interactions dans le contexte des pratiques fondées sur le jeu. Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica, 13, 457–466. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2024). Self and Other. In P. Ernest (Ed.), Ethics and mathematics education: The good, the bad and the ugly (pp. 35-53). Springer. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-58683-5_3 [PDF]
- Bécu-Robinault, K., & Radford, L. (2024). Approches sémiotiques et langagières en physique et en mathématiques. Annales de didactique et de sciences cognitives, numéro thématique 2, 21-51. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2024). El niño heroico: Algunas reflexiones sobre el aprendizaje en la educación matemática infantil. Revista Magisterio, 122, 89-92. [PDF]
- Radford, L., Miranda, I., & Vergel, R. (2023). Savoir mathématique et action didactique dans la théorie de l’objectivation. Caminhos da Educação Matemática em Revista – CEMeR, 13(4), 75-93. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ifs.edu.br/periodicos/caminhos_da_educacao_matematica/article/view/1605 [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2023). ¿Qué constituye una buena clase de matemáticas? Fuentes de aprendizaje e innovación, 4, 9-30. [PDF]
- Moretti, V., & Radford, L. (2023). Análise multimodal de vídeos: contribuições da Teoria da Objetivação para a pesquisa sobre formação de professores que ensinam Matemática. Revista Eletrônica de Educação, 17, 1-17. [Portugeuse PDF] [English PDF]
- Wagner, D., & Radford, L., et al (2023). The field of mathematics education research and its boundaries. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 114, 367-369. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2023). Accogliere l’altro come problema educativo. CEMeR – Caminhos da Educação Matemática em Revista, 13(2), 113-125. [Italian PDF] [English PDF]
- Vargas, J., & Radford, L. (2023). Teoria da objetivação: Um foco na produção de subjetividades. Revista Venezolana de Investigación en Educación Matemática, 3(3), 1-17. DOI: 10.54541/reviem.v3i3.71 [PDF]
- Vargas, J., & Radford, L. (2023). Uma reconceituação do professor a partir da teoria da objetivação. Olhares, 11(1), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.34024/olhares.2023.v11.14453 [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2023). Política, saber y ética: la necesidad de replantear la enseñanza-aprendizaje de las matemáticas. EMP ‒ Educação Matemática Pesquisa, 25(2), 45-68. https://dx.doi.org/10.23925/1983-3156.2023v25i1p45-68 [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2023). Ethics in the mathematics classroom. Hiroshima Journal of Mathematics Education, 16, 57-75. https://www.jasme.jp/hjme/ [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2023). On the influence of constructivism and the theory of didactical situations on the theory of objectification. In C. Derouet & A. Nechache (Eds.), Septième symposium d’étude sur le travail mathématique (pp. 155-165). IREM de Strasbourg. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2023). Sujeto, objeto, cultura y la formación del conocimiento. Revista de Matemática, Ensino e Cultura–REMATEC, n. 45, 1-22. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2023). Préface: Au sujet des conditions d’émergence de la science moderne. In Y. Lenoir (Ed.), Une approche sociohistorique de l’émergence de la science: Un rapport épistémique au savoir sous influence idéologique et politique (pp. i-viii). Éditions du Méridien. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2023). La teoría de la objetivación. Una perspectiva vygotskiana sobre saber y devenir en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las matemáticas. Bogotá: Uniandes. [PDF]
- Radford, L., Salinas, U., & Sacristán, A. (2023). A dialogue between two theoretical perspectives on languages and resource use in mathematics teaching and learning. ZDM – Mathematics Education, 611-626. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11858-022-01459-y [PDF]
- Moretti, V., & Radford, L. (2023). Abordagem histórico-dialética dos conceitos na organização do ensino da matemática. Educação e Pesquisa, 49, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1678-4634202349252104 [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2023). ¿Qué significa aprendizaje colectivo? ¿Cómo lograrlo en la clase de matemáticas? Revista Μαθηματικά: epistemologia e educação, Caruaru., 1-19. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2022). Activité, apprenant(s), apprentissage. Revue québécoise de didactique des mathématiques, Numéro thématique 1, 134-157. https://rqdm.recherche.usherbrooke.ca/ojs/ojs-3.1.1-4/index.php/rqdm/article/view/70 [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2022). Body, matter and signs in the constitution of meaning in mathematics. In C. Houdement, C. de Hosson, & C. Hache (Eds.), Semiotic Approaches in Science Didactics (pp. 247-282). ISTE. [PDF]
- Guillemette, D., & Radford, L. (2022). History of mathematics in the context of mathematics teachers’ education: a dialogical/ethical perspective. ZDM – Mathematics Education, 54(7), 1493-1505. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11858-022-01437-4 [PDF]
- Vergel, R., Radford, L., & Rojas, P. (2022). Zona conceptual de formas de pensamiento aritmético « sofisticado » y proto-formas de pensamiento algebraico: una contribución a la noción de zona de emergencia del pensamiento algebraico. Bolema, 36(74), 1174-1192. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1980-4415v36n74a11. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2022). Early algebra: Simplifying equations. In J. Hodgen, E. Geraniou, G. Bolondi, & F. Ferretti (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12) (pp. 588-595). ERME / Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2022). Álgebra en la escuela primaria. Conferencia dada en el marco del Seminario “30 Anos do Modelo Campos Semânticos”, Septiembre 2022. São Paulo, Brasil. [Video]
- Radford, L. (2022). Introducing Equations in Early Algebra. ZDM – Mathematics Education.(A view-only version of the paper is available at the SharedIt link: https://rdcu.be/cU5SG) [PDF]
- Radford, L., & Santi, G. (2022). Learning as a critical encounter with the other: Prospective teachers conversing with the history of mathematics. ZDM. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11858-022-01393-z (A view-only version of the paper is available at the SharedIt link: https://rdcu.be/cS8UO) [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2022). The challenges of translating as a cultural practice. In C. Fernández, S. Llinares, Á. Gutiérrez, & N. Planas (Eds.), Proceedings of the 45th conference of the international group for the psychology of mathematics education, Vol 1 (pp. 110-113). PME. [PDF]
- Vargas, J., Gobara, S., & Radford, L. (2022). Tecnologia assistiva como artefato cultural tecnológico para aprendizagem de alunos com baixa visão, Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Ciências e Matemática, 5(1), 595-619. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2022). Corps, matière et signes dans la constitution du sens en mathématiques [Body, matter and signs in the constitution of meaning in mathematics]. In C. Houdement, C. Hache, & C. de Hosson (Eds.), sémiotique et apprentissages scientifiques (pp. 245-280). Paris: ISTE Editions. [English PDF] [French PDF]
- Vargas, J. & Radford, L. (2021). A formação de professores para ensino de ciências na perspectiva na teoria da objetivação. Interfaces da Educação, 12(36), 308-328. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2021). Teoria da objetivação: uma perspectiva Vygotskiana sobre conhecer e vir a ser no ensino e aprendizagem da matemática. (Tradução de
B. Morey e S. Gobara). Livraria da Física. [Link] - Radford, L. (2021). O ensino-aprendizagem da álgebra na teoria da objetivação. In V. Moretti & L. Radford (Eds.), Pensamento algébrico nos anos iniciais: Diálogos e complementaridades entre a teoria da objetivação e a teoria histórico-cultural (pp. 171-195). Livraria da Física. [Portuguese PDF] [Spanish PDF]
- Radford, L. (2021). Aspectos conceituais e práticos da teoria da objetivação. In V. Moretti & L. Radford (Eds.), Pensamento algébrico nos anos iniciais: Diálogos e complementaridades entre a teoria da objetivação e a teoria histórico-cultural (pp. 35-56). São Paulo: Livraria da Física. [Portuguese PDF] [Spanish PDF]
- V. Moretti & L. Radford (Eds.) (2021). Pensamento algébrico nos anos iniciais: Diálogos e complementaridades entre a teoria da objetivação e a teoria histórico-cultural. São Paulo. Livraria da Física. [Link]
- Radford, L. (2021). Il bambino eroico: alcune riflessioni sull’apprendimento nella didattica della matematica per la prima infanzia. In B. D’Amore (Ed.), La didattica della matematica: riflessioni teoriche e proposte concrete (pp. 15-18). Bologna: Pitagora Editrice. [English PDF] [Italian PDF]
- Radford, L. (2021). Mathematics teaching and learning as an ethical event. La matematica e la sua didattica, 29(2), 185-198. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2021). Reimaginar el aula de matemáticas: Las matemáticas escolares como praxis emancipadora. Revista Chilena de Educación Matemática, 13(2), 44-55. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2021). Las etnomatemáticas en la encrucijada de la descolonización y la recolonización de saberes [Ethnomathematics at the crossroads of the decolonization and re-colonization of knowledge]. Revista Latinoamericana de Etnomatemática, 14(2), 1-31. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2021). The theory of objectification: A Vygotskian perspective on knowing and becoming in mathematics teaching and learning. Brill/Sense: Leiden, The Netherlands. [Link] [PDF]
- Radford, L. & Silva Acuña, M. (2021). Ética: Entre educación y filosofía. Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes. [Link] [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2021). La ética en la teoría de la objetivación [Ethics in the theory of objectification]. In L. Radford & M. Silva Acuña (Eds.), Ética: Entre educación y filosofía (pp. 107-141). Bogota: Universidad de los Andes. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2021). Davydov’s concept of the concept and its dialectical materialist background. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 106, 327–342. [PDF]
- Lasprilla, A., Radford, L., & León, O. L. (2021). La labor conjunta en actividades de enseñanza-aprendizaje a partir del estudio de los vectores de la ética comunitaria . REMATEC, 16(39), 228-245. https://doi.org/10.37084/REMATEC.1980-3141.2021.n39.p228-245.id498 [PDF]
- Pantano Mogollón, Óscar L., Vergel Causado, R., & Radford , L. (2021). Estimulación, evolución y refinamiento de la actividad perceptual de un grupo de estudiantes y la profesora. REMATEC, 16(39), 206-227. https://doi.org/10.37084/REMATEC.1980-3141.2021.n39.p206-227.id492 [PDF]
- Venenciano, L., Polotskaia, E., Mellone, M., & Radford, L. (2021). An introduction to multiple perspectives on Davydov’s approach in the XXI century, Educational Studies in Mathematics, 106, 323–326. [PDF]
- Radford, L (2021). El aprendizaje como proceso colectivo cultural. Ciclo de conferencias “una mirada al enfoque sociocultural y político de la Educación Matemática”. Universidad de los Llanos, Colombia. April 27, 2021. [Video]
- Radford, L (2021). ¿Y si en vez del monólogo del profesor el aula de matemáticas fuese sitio de debates y posicionamientos críticos? Viendo la enseñanza-aprendizaje de las matemáticas desde la teoría de la objetivación. Conferencia plenaria. RELME34. Qutzaltenango, Guatemala, 28 de junio de 2021. [Video]
- Radford, L (2021). A Teoria da Objetivação: O caso da formação de professores. X-Diálogos da matemática com a pedagogia Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brasil. May 6, 2021. [Video]
- Radford, L. (2020). Les finalités éducatives scolaires en mathématiques : présupposés, égarements et quelques pistes pour retrouver la voie [The educational aims of school mathematics: presuppositions, diversions and some ways to find the way back]. In Y. Lenoir, J. Bourque, A. Hasni, R. Nagy & M. Priolet (Eds.), Les finalités éducatives scolaires. Pour une étude critique des approches théoriques, philosophiques et idéologiques. T. 2 : Conceptions des finalités et des disciplines scolaires chez des enseignants du primaire. Une étude comparative internationale (pp. 353-371). Saint-Lambert : Éditions Cursus universitaire. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2020). El aprendizaje visto como saber y devenir: una mirada desde la teoría de la objetivación. REMATEC: Revista de Matemática, Ensino e Cultura, 15(36), 27-42. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2020). Los principios filosóficos de una teoría del aprendizaje: la teoría de la objetivación. Virtual Conference. December 10, 2020. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Natal, RN, Brasil. [Video]
- Radford, L. (2020). ¿Cómo sería una actividad de enseñanza-aprendizaje que busca ser emancipadora? La labor conjunta en la teoría de la objetivación [What would an emancipatory teaching-learning activity look like? Joint labour in the theory of objectivation]. Revista Colombiana de Matemática Educativa, RECME, Número especial de la Teoría de la Objetivación, 5(2), 15-31. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2020). Le concept de travail conjoint dans la théorie de l’objectivation. In M. Flores González, A. Kuzniak, A. Nechache, & L. Vivier (Eds.), Cahiers du laboratoire de didactique André Revuz n°21 (pp. 19-41). Paris: IREM de Paris. [PDF]
- Gobara, S., Radford, L., & de Oliveira, M. (2020). Contribuções da teoria da objetivação para o ensino e aprendizagem de temáticas ambientales para os anos iniciais do ensino fundamental. Ciência Geográfica, 24(4), 1705-1726. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2020). Radford, L., & Lasprilla Herrera, A. (2020). De por qué la ética es ineludible de considerar en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de las matemáticas. La matematica e la sua didattica, 28(1), 107–128. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2020). L’ethnomathématique au carrefour de la recolonisation et la décolonisation des savoirs. In G. Maheux, S. Quintriqueo, G. Pellerin, & L. Bacon (Eds.), La décolonisation de la scolarisation des jeunes inuit et des Première Nations : sens et défis (pp. 247-276). Montréal: Presses de l’Université du Québec. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2020). Play and the production of subjectivities in preschool. In M. Carlsen, I. Erfjord, & P. S. Hundeland (Eds.), Mathematics education in the early years. Results from the POEM4 conference 2018 (pp. 43-60). Cham: Springer. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2020). Un recorrido a través de la teoría de la objetivación [A journey through the theory of objectification]. In S. Takeco Gobara & L. Radford (Eds.), Teoria da Objetivação: Fundamentos e aplicações para o ensino e aprendizagem de ciências e matemática (pp. 15-42). São Paulo, Brazil: Livraria da Física. [PDF]
- Takeco Gobara, S., & Radford, L. (2020). Teoria da Objetivação: Fundamentos e aplicações para o ensino e aprendizagem de ciências e matemática. São Paulo, Brazil: Livraria da Física. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2019). La práctica matemática en la Guatemala colonial del siglo XVIII. Revista Latinoamericana de Etnomatemática, 12(3), 3-24. [PDF]
- Ximenes, F. A, Takeco Gobara, S. & Radford, L. (2019). O estudo da temática piracema na perspectiva da teoria da objetivação, Revista Electrónica de Enseñanza de las Ciencias, 19(1), 110-131. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2019). On the Epistemology of the Theory of Objectification. In U. T. Jankvist, M. Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, & M. Veldhuis (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME11, February 6 – 10, 2019) (pp. 3062-3069). Utrecht, the Netherlands: Freudenthal Group & Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University and ERME. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2019). So, you say that doing math is like playing music? The mathematics classroom as a concert hall. La matematica e la sua didattica, 27(1), 69-87. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2019). Trace, ontologie, politique et apprentissage. In S. Boéchat-Heer & R. Christophe (Eds.), Formation et pratiques d’enseignement en questions. Hors série 3 (pp. 15-31). Fribourg: CAHR. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2019). Alcune connessioni tra musica e matematica. In B. D’Amore and S. Sbaragli, Didattica della matematica e professionalità docente (pp. 39-42). Bologna: Pitagora Editrice. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2019). L’éthnomathématique et la mise en question d’une mathématique occidentale universelle. In M. Abboud (Ed.), Actes du colloque Espace Mathématique Francophone 2018, Paris, 22-26 octobre 2018 (pp. 902-910). Paris: Editions de l’IREM de Paris. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2019). Une théorie vygotskienne de l’enseignement-apprentissage : la théorie de l’objectivation. In J. Pilet & C. Vendeira (Eds.), Actes du séminaire de didactique des mathématiques de l’ARDM 2018 (pp. 314-332). Paris: IREM de Paris – Université Paris Diderot. [PDF]
- Radford, L. & Takeco Gobara, S. (2019). Entrevista sobre la semiótica en la teoría de la objetivación. Campo Grande, Brazil. March 2019. [Video]
- Radford, L. (2018). Saber, aprendizaje y subjetivación en la Teoría de la Objetivación. In: Iran Abreu Mendes (Ed.), Anais do 5o Simpósio Internacional de Pesquisa em Educação Matemática – 5º SIPEMAT (pp. 1-22). Belém, Brazil. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2018). On theories in mathematics education and their conceptual differences. Mathematics Education and Popularization of Mathematics. Invited Lecture 18.1. International Congress of Mathematicians. Rio de Janeiro. [Video]
- Radford, L. (2018). On theories in mathematics education and their conceptual differences. In B. Sirakov, P. de Souza, & M. Viana (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians (Vol. 4, pp. 4055–4074). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2018) A Plea for a Critical Transformative Philosophy of Mathematics Education. In: P. Ernest (ed.), The Philosophy of Mathematics Education Today (pp. 1-10). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-77760-3_1 [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2018). Teaching and learning (algebra or something else): Working together to make sense of similarities and differences between theories (and understanding oneself). Paper Presented at the AERA Symposium Dealing with Diverse Discourses (3D): Can We Build on Each Other’s Research Contributions? New York, 2018. [PDF]
- Moretti, V., Panossian, M. L., & Radford, L. (2018). Questões em torno da Teoria da Objetivação. Obutchénie: Revista de Didat. E Psic. Pedag. 2(1), pp.230-251. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2018). Lenguaje, política y alteridad. In: C. Noronha & T. Barbosa (Eds.), Leituras e escritas: olhares plurais para múltiplas cenas educativas (pp. 17-42). São Paulo: Editora Livraria da Física. [PDF]
- Radford, L., Marin-Tamayo, J., & Simbagoye, A. (2018). Bien-être, résilience, intelligence émotionnelle. Rapport de recherche. Université Laurentienne, 106 p. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2018). A cultural-historical approach to teaching and learning: The theory of objectification. In: Hsieh, F.-J. (Ed.), (2018). Proceedings of the 8th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education (Vol 1, pp. 137-147). Taipei, Taiwan: EARCOME. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2018). Algunos desafíos encontrados en la elaboración de la teoría de la objetivación. PNA, 12(2), 61-80. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2018). The emergence of symbolic algebraic thinking in primary school. In C. Kieran (Ed.), Teaching and learning algebraic thinking with 5- to 12-year-olds: The global evolution of an emerging field of research and practice (pp. 3-25). New York: Springer. [PDF]
- Presmeg, N., Radford, L., Roth, M., & Kadunz, G. (Eds) (2018). Signs of signification. Semiotics in mathematics education research. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
- Presmeg, N., Radford, L., Roth, M., & Kadunz, G. (2018). Introduction. In Presmeg, N., Radford, L., Roth, M., & Kadunz, G. (Eds), Signs of signification. Semiotics in mathematics education research (pp. 1-15). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2018). Sociocultural perspectives on semiosis. Introduction to Part 1. In Presmeg, N., Radford, L., Roth, M., & Kadunz, G. (Eds), Signs of signification. Semiotics in mathematics education research (pp. 17-20). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2018). Semiosis and Subjectification: The Classroom Constitution of Mathematical Subjects. In Presmeg, N., Radford, L., Roth, M., & Kadunz, G. (Eds), Signs of signification. Semiotics in mathematics education research (pp. 21-35). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. [PDF]
- Presmeg, N., Radford, L., Roth, M., & Kadunz, G. (2018). Discussion and conclusions. In Presmeg, N., Radford, L., Roth, M., & Kadunz, G. (Eds), Signs of signification. Semiotics in mathematics education research (pp. 353-372). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2017). La fenomenología del significado. In Costa dos Santos, M. J., & F. Vieira Alves (Eds.), Docêncai, cognição e aprendizagem: Contextos diversos (pp. 15-29). Curitaba: Editora CRV. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2017). A teoria da objetivação e seu lugar na pesquisa sociocultural em educação matemática. In V. Dias Moretti & W. Lima Cedro, Educação Matemática e a teoria histórico-cultural (pp. 229-261). Campinas, São Paulo: Mercado de Letras. [PDF]
- Presmeg N., Radford L., Kadunz G., Puig L., & Roth W. (2017). Topic Study Group No. 54: Semiotics in Mathematics Education. In G. Kaiser (ed.), Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education, ICME-13 Monographs, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-62597-3_81. [PDF]
- Noronha, C., Barbosa, T. (2017). Teoria da Objetivação. Conversa com Professor Luis Radford Grupo de Pesiquisa CONTAR da UFRN, Natal, Brasil. [Video]
- Radford, L. (2017). Mathematics education theories: The question of their growth, connectivity, and affinity. La matematica e la sua didattica, 25(2), 217-228. [PDF]
- Radford, L., Arzarello, F., Edwards, L., & Sabena, C. (2017). The multimodal material mind: Embodiment in mathematics education. In J. Cai (Ed.), First compendium for research in mathematics education (pp. 700-721). Reston, VA: NCTM. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2017). On inferentialism. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 29(4), 493-508 DOI 10.1007/s13394-017-0225-3. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2017). Réflexions sur l’éthnomathématique. In J. Adihou, A. Giroux, D. Guillemette, C. Lajoie, & K. Mai Huy (Eds.), Actes du colloque du groupe de didactique des mathématiques du québec 2016 (pp. 168-177). Ottawa: GDM. [PDF]
- D’Amore, B., & Radford L. (2017). Enseñanza y aprendizaje de las matemáticas: problemas semióticos, epistemológicos y prácticos. Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. (192 p.). [PDF]
- Radford L., & Roth W. (2017). Alienation in mathematics education: a problem considered from neo-Vygotskian approaches. Educational Studies in Mathematics, DOI 10.1007/s10649-017-9769-0. [PDF]
- Radford L. (2017). La consapevolezza dell’importanza del contesto sociale, culturale e politico del pensiero, dell’insegnamento e dell’apprendimento: alcuni elementi del mio percorso. La matematica e la sua didattica, Anno 25, n. 1, 65-74. [PDF] [English PDF]
- Radford, L. (2017). Saber, conocimiento y aprendizaje en matemáticas [Knowledge, Knowing, and Learning]. In: Seminario repensar las matemáticas. September 28th, 2017. [Video]
- Radford, L. (2016). Mathematics Education as a Matter of Labor. In M.A. Peters (ed.). Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Section: Mathematics education philosophy and theory. P. Valero and G. Knijnik, Editors. Singapore: Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-981-287-532-7_518-1 [PDF]
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(pp. 503-512). Montpellier, France: IREM de Montpellier. [PDF] - Radford, L. (2016). The ethic of semiosis and the classroom constitution of mathematical subjects. 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education. Topic Study Group 54: Semiotics in Mathematics Education. Hamburg, Germany, 24-31 July 2016. [PDF]
- Radford, L., & Barwell, R. (2016). Language in mathematics education research. In A. Gutiérrez, G. Leder, & P. Boero (Eds.), The second handbook of research on the psychology of mathematics education. The journey continues (pp. 275-313). Rotterdam: Sense. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2016). On alienation in the mathematics classroom. International Journal of Educational Research, 79, 258-266. [PDF]
- Presmeg, N., Radford, L., Roth, W., & Kadunz, G. (2016). Semiotics in mathematics education. Switzerland: Springer. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2016). Epistemology as a research category in mathematics teaching and learnig. In B. Hodgson, A. Kuzniak, & J. Lagrange (Eds.), The didactics of mathematics: Approaches and issues (pp. 31-41). Switzerland: Springer. [PDF]
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- Radford L. (2015). La pensée mathématique du point de vue de la théorie de l’objectivation. In Theis L. (Ed.) Pluralités culturelles et universalité des mathématiques : enjeux et perspectives pour leur enseignement et leur apprentissage – Actes du colloque EMF2015 – GT3, pp. 334-345. Alger: 10-14 octobre 2015. [PDF]
- Moretti, V., & Radford, L. (2015). História do conceito culturalmente significada e a organização da actividade de ensino de matemática . In Anais do VI seminário internacional de pesquisa em educação matemática. Pirenópolis – Goiás, Brasil. [PDF]
- Jansen, T. and Radford, L. (2015). Solving equations: Gestures, (un)allowable hints, and the unsayable matter. In K. Krainer, N. Vvondrová (Eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 419-425). Prague: Charles University. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2015). Methodological Aspects of the Theory of Objectification. Perspectivas da Educação Matemática, v. 8(18), 547-567. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2015). The Epistemological Foundations of the Theory of Objectification. Isonomia, 127-149. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2015). Rhythm as an Integral Part of Mathematical Thinking. In M. Bockarova, M. Danesi, D. Martinovic and R. Núñez (Eds.), Mind in Mathematics: Essays on Mathematical Cognition and Mathematical Method (pp. 68-85). München, Germany: LINCOM GmbH. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2015). Of love, frustration, and mathematics: A Cultural-historical approach to emotions in mathematics teaching and learning. In B. Pepin & B. Rösken-Winter (Eds.), From beliefs and affect to dynamic systems: (exploring) a mosaic of relationships and interactions (pp. 25-49). NY: Springer. Advances in Mathematics Education series. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2015). Introduction: The phenomenological, epistemological, and semiotic components of generalization. PNA, 9(3), 129-141. [PDF]
- Moretti, V., Panossian, M. L., & de Moura, M. O. (2015). Educação, educação matemática e teoria cultural da objetivação: uma conversa com Luis Radford. Educ. Pesqui., 41(1), 243-260. [PDF]
- Radford, L. & Sabena, C. (2015). The Question of Method in a Vygotskian Semiotic Approach. In Bikner-Ahsbahs, A., Knipping, C., & Presmeg, N. (Eds.), Approaches to Qualitative Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 157-182). New York: Springer. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2014). Phenomenology, Praxis, and the Question of Mathematical Objects. Educación Matemática, Número Especial de 25 años, pp. 124-145. [PDF]
- Interview with Luis Radford on the Theory of Objectification. Professor Manoel Oriosvaldo de Moura, Faculdade de Educaçao, Universidade de São Paulo. March 2014. [Video]
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- Radford, L. (2014). Cultura e historia: dos conceptops dificiles y controversiales en aproximaciones contemporaneas en la educación matemática [Culture and history: Two difficult and controversial concepts in current approaches to mathematics education]. In I. Abreu Mendes & C. Farias da Silva (Eds.), Cultura, Práticas Sociais e Educação Matemática (pp. 49-68). São Paulo: Livraria da Física. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2014). Conversatorio alrededor de la teoría de la objetivación [Conversation about the theory of objectification]. Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia. November 20 2014. [Video]
- Radford, L. (2014). La enseñanza-aprendizaje desde una perspectiva histórico-cultural: la teoría de la objetivación. Ciclo de conferencias en Educación Matemática – GEMAD. Bogotá, Colombia. October 18 2014. [Video]
- Radford, L. (2014). De la teoría de la objetivación. Revista Latinoamericana de Etnomatemática, 7(2), 132-150. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2014). Theories and Their Networking: A Heideggerian Commentary. In A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger (eds.), Networking of Theories as a Research Practice in Mathematics Education. Advances in Mathematics Education. New York: Springer. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2014). On teachers and students: An ethical cultural-historical perspective. In Liljedahl, P., Nicol, C., Oesterle, S., & Allan, D. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of PME 38 and PME-NA 36 (Plenary Conference), Vol. 1, pp. 1-20. Vancouver, Canada: PME. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2014). Towards an embodied, cultural, and material conception of mathematics cognition. ZDM – The international journal on Mathematics Education, 349–361. [PDF]
- Radford, L. et al. (2014). History of mathematics and mathematics education. In Michael N. Fried & Tommy Dreyfus (Eds.), Mathematics & Mathematics Education: Searching for Common Ground. New York: Springer, Advances in Mathematics Education series. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2014). The progressive development of early embodied algebraic thinking. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 26, 257-277. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2014). On the role of representations and artefacts in knowing and learning. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 85, 405-422. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2013). Sumisión, alienación y (un poco de) esperanza: hacia una visión cultural, histórica, ética y política de la enseñanza de las matemáticas. In A. Ramirez y Y. Morales (Eds). Memorias del I Congreso de Educación Matemática de América Central y El Caribe. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, November 6-8, 2013. Plenary Lecture. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2013). En torno a tres problemas de la generalización [Concerning three problems of generalization] Rico, L, Cañadas, M. C., Gutiérrez, J., Molina, M. & Segovia, I. (Eds ), Investigación en Didáctica de las Matemáticas. Homenaje a Encamación Castro. Granada, España: Editorial Comares. [PDF]
- Miranda, I . , Radford, L. , & Guzmán, J. (2013). Un Origen Matemático vs Dos Orígenes Fenomenológicos: la Significación del Movimiento de Objetos Respecto del Punto (0,0). Journal of Research in Mathematics Education, 2 (2), 1 83-208. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2013). Three key Concepts of the theory of objectification: Knowledge, knowing, and learning. Journal of Research in Mathematics Education, 2 (1), 7-44. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2013). On semiotics and education. Éducation et Didactique, 7(1), 185-204. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2013). Perceiving with the eyes and with the hands. REPIME, 3(1), 56-77. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2013). Preface. In B. D’Amore, Martha Fandiño Pinillo & M. Lori, Primi elementi di semiotica (vii-ix.). Bologna: Pytagora editrice. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2013). Sensuous cognition. In D. Martinovic, V. Freiman, & Z. Karadag (Eds.), Visual mathematics and cyberlearning (pp. 141-162). New York: Springer. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2012). Bakhtin, Alterity, and Ideology. Commentary on the Chapter by Richard Barwell, “Heteroglossia in Multilingual Mathematics Classrooms.” In H. Forgasz, & F. Rivera (eds.), Towards Equity in Mathematics Education. Advances in Mathematics Education (pp. 339-342). Berlin: Springer-Verlag. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2012). Education and the illusions of emancipation. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 80(1), 101-118. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2012). On the development of algebraic thinking. PNA 64(1), 117-133. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2012). Early algebraic thinking: Epistemological, semiotic, and developmental issues. ICME-12 Regular Lecture. Seoul, South Korea. July 8-15, 2012. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2012). On the cognitive, epistemic, and ontological roles of artifacts. In G. Gueudet, B. Pepin, & L. Trouche, (Eds.), From text to ‘lived’ resources (pp. 283-288). New York: Springer. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2012). On the growth and transformation of mathematics education theories. Paper presented at the International Colloquium The Didactics of Mathematics: Approaches and Issues. A Homage to Michèle Artigue. Université de Paris VII. May 31 to June 1, 2012. [PDF]
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- Radford, L. (2012). Towards an embodied, cultural, and material conception of mathematics cognition. ICME-12 Topic Study Group 22 (TSG22): Learning and cognition in mathematics, Seoul, South Korea. July 8-15, 2012. [PDF]
- Roth, W.-M., Radford, L. & LaCroix, L. (2012). Working With Cultural-Historical Activity Theory. Qualitative Social Research, 13 (2). http://www.qualitative-research.net/index.php/fqs/article/view/1814/3380. [PDF]
- Kidron, I., Bikner-Ahsbahs, A., Monaghan, J., Radford, L., & Sensevy, G. (2012). CERME7 Working Group 16: Different theoretical perspectives and approaches in research in mathematics education. Research in Mathematics Education, 14(2), 213-214. [PDF]
- Radford, L., & Roth, W.-M. (2011). Intercorporeality and ethical commitment: an activity perspective on classroom interaction. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 77, 227-245. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2011). Dialogism in absentia or the language of mathematics. In S. Sbaragli & B. D’Amore (Eds.), La matematica e la sua didattica. Quarant’anni di impegno (pp. 184-186). Bologna: Pitagora Editrice. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2011). Sullo sviluppo del pensiero matematico nei giovani studenti: la graduale armonizzazione di percezione, gesti e simboli. In B. D’Amore & S. Sbaragli (Eds.), Un quarto di secolo al servizio della didattica della matematica (pp. 33-39). Bologna: Pitagora. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2011). La evolución de paradigmas y perspectivas en la investigación. El caso de la didáctica de las matemáticas [The evolution of paradigms and perspectives in research. The case of mathematics education]. In J. Vallès, D. Álvarez & R. Rickenmann (Eds.), L’ctivitat docent intervenció, innovació, investigació [Teacher’s activity: Intervention, innovation, research] (pp. 33-49). Girona (Spain): Documenta Universitaria. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2011). Embodiment, perception and symbols in the development of early algebraic thinking. In Ubuz, B. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 35th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 4, pp. 17-24). Ankara, Turkey: PME. [PDF]
- Roth, W.-M., & Radford, L. (2011). A cultural historical perspective on teaching and learning. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. [Book Sample] [Order Book]
- Radford, L. (2011). Classroom interaction: Why is it good, really? Educational Studies in Mathematics, 76, 101-115. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2011). Vers une théorie socioculturelle de l’enseignement-apprentissage: la théorie de l’objectivation. Éléments, 1, 1 – 27. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2010). The anthropological turn in mathematics education and its implication on the meaning of mathematical activity and classroom practice. Acta Didactica Universitatis Comenianae. Mathematics, 10, 103-120. [PDF]
- Roth, W.-M., & Radford, L. (2010). Re/thinking the Zone of Proximal Development (Symmetrically). Mind, Culture, and Activity, 17(4), 299-307. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2010). Elementary Forms of Algebraic Thinking in Young Students. In M. F. Pinto. & T. F. Kawasaki (Eds.). Proceedings of the 34th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 4, pp. 73-80. Belo Horizonte, Brazil: PME. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2010). The eye as a theoretician: Seeing structures in generalizing activities, For the Learning of Mathematics, 30(2), 2-7. [PDF] [Hebrew translation]
- Radford, L. (2010). Algebraic thinking from a cultural semiotic perspective. Research in Mathematics Education, 12(1), 1-19. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2010). Layers of generality and types of generalization in pattern activities. PNA, 4(2), 37-62. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2010). Matemáticas, cultura y algunos pensamientos subversivos. Reseña invitada de Imaginario colectivo y creación matemática de Emmánuel Lizcano. Madrimas, March 10, 2010. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2010). Signs, gestures, meanings: Algebraic thinking from a cultural semiotic perspective. In V. Durand-Guerrier, S. Soury-Lavergne, & F. Arzarello, F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 6) (pp. XXXIII – LIII). Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France. [PDF]
- Bikner-Ahsbahs, A., Dreyfus, T., Kidron, I., Arzarello, F., Radford, L., Artigue, M., & Sabena, C. (2010). Networking of Theories in Mathematics Education. In Pinto, M. F. & Kawasaki, T. F. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 34th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 1, pp. 145-175. Belo Horizonte, Brazil: PME. [PDF]
- Radford, L. & André, M. (2009). Cerebro, cognición y matemáticas. Relime, 12(2), 215-250. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2009). The awareness of the importance of the social, cultural and political context of thinking, teaching and learning: Some elements of my own journey. From a lecture delivered at the occasion of a Ph.D course organized by P. Valero , T. Holmgaard Børsen and X. Du. Aalborg University, Denmark, Nov. 2-5, 2009. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2009). Astrazione e generalità matematica: alcune considerazioni semiotiche [Abstraction and mathematical generality: some semiotic remarks]. In B. D’Amore (Ed.), Matematica, stupore e poesia [Mathematics, wonder and poetry] (pp. 146-154). Firenze: Giunti. [PDF] [French version]
- Radford, L. (2009). L’altérité comme problème éducatif. In J. Boissonneault, R. Corbeil, & A. Hien (eds.), Actes de la 15e Journée Sciences et Savoirs (pp. 11-27). Sudbury: Université Laurentienne. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2009). Teorije u matematickom obrazovanju: Jedna kratka studija o njihovim konceptualnim razlikama [Theories in Mathematics Education: A Brief Inquiry into their Conceptual Differences]. ISTRAŽIVANJE MATEMATICKOG OBRAZOVANJA Vol. I (2009), Broj 1, 11-22. [PDF] [English version]
- Radford, L., Miranda, I., & Demers, S. (2009). Processus d’abstraction en mathématiques. Ottawa: Centre franco-ontarien de ressources pédagogiques, Imprimeur de la Reine pour l’Ontario.
- Radford, L. (2009). Signifying Relative Motion: Time, Space and the Semiotics of Cartesian Graphs. In W.-M. Roth (Ed.), Mathematical Representations at the Interface of the Body and Culture (pp. 45-69). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishers. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2009). ‘‘No! He starts walking backwards!’’: interpreting motion graphs and the question of space, place and distance. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education, DOI 10.1007/s11858-009-0173-9. [PDF]
- Radford, L., Edwards, L. & Arzarello, F. (2009). Beyond words. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 70(3), 91 – 95. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2009). Why do gestures matter? Sensuous cognition and the palpability of mathematical meanings. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 70(3), 111 – 126. [PDF]
- Radford, L. & André, M. (2008). Cerveau, cognition et mathématiques. Rapport 2 de recherche soumis au Ministère de l’éducation de l’Ontario. Le Passage à l’abstrait dans l’apprentissage des mathématiques. Sudbury: Université Laurentienne. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2008). Beyond Anecdote and Curiosity. The Relevance of the Historical Dimension in the 21st Century Citizen’s Mathematics Education. In E. Barbin, N. Stehlíková, C. Tzanakis (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th European Summer University (pp. 163-166). Prague: Vydavatelský servis, Plzeň. [PDF]
- Assude, T., Boero, P., Herbst, P., Lerman, S., & Radford, L. (2008). The Notions and Roles of Theory in Mathematics Education Research. ICME-11. Monterrey, Mexico. [PDF]
- Radford, L., Schubring, G., & Seeger, F. (2008). Semiotics in mathematics education: epistemology, history, classroom, and culture. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. [To order, click here]
- Radford, L. (2008). The ethics of being and knowing: Towards a cultural theory of learning. In L. Radford, G. Schubring & F. Seeger (Eds.), Semiotics in mathematics education: epistemology, history, classroom, and culture (pp. 215-234). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2008). Culture and cognition: Towards an anthropology of mathematical thinking. In L. English (Ed.), Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education, 2nd Edition (pp. 439 – 464). New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2008). Diagrammatic thinking: Notes on Peirce’s semiotics and epistemology. PNA, 3(1), 1-18. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2008). Connecting theories in mathematics education:challenges and possibilities. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 40, 317–327. [PDF]
- Presmeg, N. & Radford, L. (2008). On semiotics and subjectivity: a response to Tony Brown’s “signifying ‘students’, ‘teachers’, and ‘mathematics’: a reading of a special issue”. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 69 (3), 265-276. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2008). Di Sé e degli Altri: Riflessioni su un problema fondamentale dell’educazione [The Self and the Other: Reflections on a Fundamental Problem in Education]. La Matematica e la sua didattica 22(2), 185-205. [PDF] [French version]
- Furinghetti, F. & Radford, L. (2008). Contrasts and oblique connections between historical conceptual developments and classroom learning in mathematics. In L. English (Ed.), Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education, 2nd Edition (pp. 626 – 655). New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis. [PDF]
- Radford, L., Miranda, I. & Guzmán, J. (2008). Relative motion, graphs and the heteroglossic transformatiion of meanings: A semiotic analysis. In O. Figueras, J. L. Cortina, S. Alatorre, T. Rojano, & A. Sepúlveda (Eds.), Proceedings of the Joint 32nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education and the 30th North American Chapter, vol. 4, pp. 161-168. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2008). Semiotic reflections on medieval and contemporary graphic representations of motion. Working paper presented at the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics Conference (HPM 2008), 14-18 July 2008, Mexico City. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2008). Theories in Mathematics Education: A Brief Inquiry into their Conceptual Differences. Working Paper. Prepared for the ICMI Survey Team 7. The notion and role of theory in mathematics education research. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2008). Iconicity and Contraction: A Semiotic Investigation of Forms of Algebraic Generalizations of Patterns In Different Contexts. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education. DOI 10.1007/s11858-007-0061-0. [PDF]
- Radford, L. and Leder G. (2008). Mathematics education: an ICMI perspective, The first century of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (1908-2008): Reflecting and shaping the world of mathematics education (ICMI 1908/2008), Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana fondata da Giovanni Treccani, Roma, 301-311. [PDF]
- Miranda, I., Radford, L. y Guzmán, J. (2007). Interpretación de gráficas cartesianas sobre el movimiento desde el punto de vista de la teoría de la objetivación. Educación Matemática, 19(3), 5-30. [PDF]
- Radford, L., Bardini, C., & Sabena, C. (2007). Perceiving the General. The Multi-Semiotic Dimension of Students’ Algebraic Activity. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 28(5), 507-530. [PDF]
- Radford, L., Furinghetti, F. & Katz, V. (2007). The Topos of Meaning or the Encounter of Past and Present, Educational Studies in Mathematics, 66, 107-110. [PDF]
- Radford, L., & Puig. L. (2007). Syntax and Meaning as Sensuous, Visual, Historical Forms of Algebraic Thinking. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 66, 145-164. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2007). La Arithmetica Practica del Padre Padilla y los inicios de la matemática en Centro América en el período colonial, Revista Brasileira de História da Matemática, 7(14), 193-211. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2007). Towards a Cultural Theory of Learning. In Pitta-Pantazi, D. & Philippou, G. (Eds.). Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME – 5). Larnaca, Cyprus, February 22 – 26, 2007. CD-ROM, ISBN – 978-9963-671-25-0, pp. 1782-1797. [PDF]
- Radford, L. & Empey, H. (2007). Culture, Knowledge and the Self: Mathematics and The Formation of New Social Sensibilities in the Renaissance and Medieval Islam. Revista Brasileira de História da Matemática. Festschrift Ubiratan D’Ambrosio, Especial 1, 231-254. [PDF]
- Radford, L., D’Amore, B. & Bagni, G. (2007). Obstáulos Epistemológicos y Perspectiva Socio-Cultural de la Matemática. Colección Cuadernos del Seminario en Educación. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, D.C., 10, 5-25. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2006). Semiótica cultural y cognición. In R. Cantoral Uriza, O. Covián Chávez, R. M. Farfán, J. Lezama Andalón, & A. Romo Vázquez (Eds.). Investigaciones sobre Enseñanza y aprendizaje de las matemáticas. Un reporte iberoamericano (pp. 669-689). Mexico: Diaz de Santos. [PDF]
- Radford, L., Bardini, C., Sabena, C. (2006). Perceptual semiosis and the microgenesis of algebraic generalizations. Fourth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 4), 17 – 21 February 2005, Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Spain, pp. 684-695. [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2006). The Cultural-Epistomological Conditions of the Emergence of Algebraic Symbolism. In F. Furringhetti, S. Kaijser & C. Tzanakis, Proceedings of the 2004 History and Pedagogy of Mathematics Conference & ESU4, Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 509-524 (Plenary Lecture). [PDF]
- Radford, L., & D’Amore, B. (Guest Eds.) (2006). Semiotics, Culture, and Mathematical Thinking. Revista Latinoamericana de Investigación en Matemática Educativa (Special Issue). [PDF]
- Radford, L. (2006). Elements of a Cultural Theory of Objectification. Revista Latinoamericana de Investigación en Matemática Educativa, Special Issue on Semiotics, Culture and Mathematical Thinking, pp. 103-129. [PDF]
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